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Dedalo di Dalie

Immagine del redattore: Katya SantoroKatya Santoro


The dahlia is a truly beautiful flower, elegant. With its tentacular calyx it is a proper masterpiece of Nature which seems to have had fun creating diversity and variety. I've always been fascinated with how the masters of floral decoration have used it, even in combination with others flowers, making tables, bouquets and decorations very refined. I myself, as a scenographer, in the past have had the pleasure to put together floral adorns and dahlias have always been one of my favourite flowers precisely because of their great scenographic impact. After all dahlias signify admiration, esteem, it doesn't just represent a pledge of love but also a sign of eternal gratitude, it's the perfect gift for a person from which you received unexpected support.And so because all of us certainly need a person to be grateful for, I decided to draw Maze of Dahlias, a bit of a playful title because to me it's like getting lost in that maze of petals.


La Dalia è un fiore davvero bellissimo, elegante. Con il suo calice tentacolare è una vera opera d'arte della Natura che pare essersi divertita a crearne diverse varietà. Sono sempre rimasta affascinata da come i maestri delle decorazioni floreali l'hanno usata, anche in abbinamento con altri fiori, rendendo tavole, bouquet e allestimenti molto raffinati. Io stessa, essendo scenografa, ho avuto il piacere in passato di creare addobbi floreali e la dalia è sempre stato uno dei fiori da me preferiti proprio perché di grande effetto scenografico. E poi la dalia esprime ammirazione, stima, non rappresenta un pegno d'amore ma una segno di gratitudine eterna, è il dono perfetto per una persona da cui hai ricevuto un supporto inaspettato.E siccome tutti noi abbiamo di sicuro una persona in particolare a cui essere grati ecco che ho disegnato Dedalo di Dalie,un titolo un po' giocoso perché per me è stato un po' come perdermi in quel dedalo di petali.




It all started when my mom passed away.


I was on a break from my work in theatres and not going through a very serene period.


One day my son Nazareno said that he had spare sketchbook that his art teacher told him was no longer needed for school projects, so he asked if I wanted to use it.


I thought I could have used it to sketch scenographies for work so I simply tucked it in a cupboard. After some time I opened the same cupboard again and saw that very sketchbook next to my precious Caran d'Ache pencils and … that's when I thought of drawing something. Yes but, what to draw then? 

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