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Immagine del redattore: Katya SantoroKatya Santoro


This was my first drawing of 2019.

While I love all colors, yellow isn't exactly amongst my favorite ones. But after looking for a new flower to draw, these beautiful yellow roses eventually caught my attention and I couldn't help but choose them. The more

I'd progress with the drawing the more I fell in love with yellow and its beautiful shades.

I decided to title it “Jealousy” because usually, giving yellow flowers as a gift, signals in fact jealousy to the receiver. Now “Jealousy” found its new home in France and I couldn't any happier.


E' stato il mio primo disegno del 2019.

Premesso che pur amandoli tutti, il giallo non è fra i miei colori preferiti. Ma dopo una lunga ricerca sul nuovo soggetto da ritrarre, la mia attenzione fu catturata dalla foto di queste bellissime Rose Gialle e non potei fare a meno di disegnarle. Più andavo avanti col mio disegno e più m'innamoravo del giallo e delle sue calde sfumature.

Al temine della mia opera gli ho dato il titolo Gelosia perché nel linguaggio dei fiori regalare rose di questo colore vuole significare esprimere questo sentimento.

Adesso "Gelosia" ha trovato casa in Francia, cosa questa che mi rende molto felice.




It all started when my mom passed away.


I was on a break from my work in theatres and not going through a very serene period.


One day my son Nazareno said that he had spare sketchbook that his art teacher told him was no longer needed for school projects, so he asked if I wanted to use it.


I thought I could have used it to sketch scenographies for work so I simply tucked it in a cupboard. After some time I opened the same cupboard again and saw that very sketchbook next to my precious Caran d'Ache pencils and … that's when I thought of drawing something. Yes but, what to draw then? 

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